Sugar beet field with VitalY Logo

Vitaly We secure your sugar beet yield under Virus Yellows pressure

The brand of choice for Virus Yellows tolerance


In 2010 we started the first research on Virus Yellows. Since then it became a priority for our breeding. As a result of this research, we can now offer our first Virus Yellows tolerant varieties.

They will be marketed in our new variety range: Vitaly®-varieties perform on a high level under all Virus Yellows conditions. With Vitaly® , we secure your yield.

Sercured yield in sugar beets under virus yellows pressure


Additional yield mesured compared to the average of the varieties under Virus Yellows pressure.


Durability of the sugar beet cultivation and securied revenue for the farmers.
Healthy sugar beet


With a global expertise Virus Yellows, Cercospora, Nematode, Strong Rizomania

Videos to Virus Yellows and our brand of choice

Are you interested in our new product range? Then contact Richard:

Richard Cogman

Richard Cogman

- Managing Director -

The Old Swan | Eye Road | Rishangles |Eye | Suffolk | IP23 7JZ | , United Kingdom

+44 (0)7983 314424