Your contact at Strube
The Strube UK team are here to help, so if you would like any advice or assistance regarding seeds, growing or research then please do not hesitate to contact the Strube UK team. Alternatively you can contact us by calling Richard at our office on 07983 314 424 or email him at
You have a question about our products or would like to inform yourself about the company? You can call us or write us a message. We will be pleased to help you.
You can use our BeetControl app to analyse your field yourself for damage symptoms in the sugar beet field. This will help you choose the right variety and maximise yields at your location. If you would like to find out more on your own, our cultivation guide for sugar beet are at your disposal.
Please do not hesitate to contact Richard.

Richard Cogman
- Managing Director -
The Old Swan | Eye Road | Rishangles |Eye | Suffolk | IP23 7JZ | , United Kingdom