Career Career with the seed expert

Sow your success with Strube

As an international plant breeding company we have been successfully working for over 140 years and with great commitment to develop the best varieties for our customers. We owe this success story to our employees, who work with great passion for Strube every day.

Job offers

Are you looking for new challenges? With about 350 employees at its german locations, Strube is one of the largest companies in the administrative district of Helmstedt. We employ specialists with and without agricultural previous knowledge – but a basically interest for the industry is an advantage.

Our job offers (in German language)

Training and internships

Every year we offer apprenticeships in five different training occupations: industrial business management assistant, plant technologists, Management Assistant in Warehousing and Logistics, IT system electronic technicians and IT specialists for application development.

We work as a partner of the German Agricultural Society together on the further education of graduates within the framework of the DLG Trainee Program for many years. In the practical part of this further education, selected trainees gain an comprehensive insight into our internationally active and highly specialized company.

Our training opportunities and internships (in German language)